Are Aluminum Salts In Antiperspirants Safe?

In the quest for personal hygiene products that keep us fresh and confident, deodorants and antiperspirants have become staples in our daily routines. Among the ingredients that have sparked debate are aluminum salts, commonly found in antiperspirants. 

But are antiperspirants with aluminum salts safe for regular use? And are aluminum salts present in deodorants too? Let’s delve into science and dispel some myths.

Related: Is Antiperspirant Bad For You? Common Myths Explored And Debunked

Why Aluminum Salts Are Used In Antiperspirants

Aluminum salts, such as aluminum chlorohydrate and aluminum zirconium, are active ingredients in antiperspirants. They work by forming temporary plugs in the sweat ducts, reducing wetness and, in turn, body odor.

These compounds are different from those found in deodorants, which do not contain aluminum salts and instead focus on masking or neutralizing body odor.

Related: Antiperspirant Vs. Deodorant: What’s The Difference? Which Is Best? 

Debunking The Myths: Aluminum Salts & Health Concerns

Despite widespread use, rumors persist about the potential health risks of aluminum salts, particularly their alleged links to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. However, extensive research has not demonstrated a definitive connection between aluminum salts in antiperspirants and these health conditions.

Breast Cancer & Aluminum Salts Myth

The concern about aluminum salts and breast cancer stems from the proximity of antiperspirant use to the upper-outer quadrant of the breast tissue, where most breast cancers are diagnosed. Some have theorized that aluminum could be absorbed through the skin, especially after underarm shaving, and interfere with estrogen receptors in breast cells. 

However, the American Cancer Society and other health organizations have stated that there is no conclusive evidence to support this theory. Studies have shown that the skin absorbs only a minuscule amount of aluminum, and it’s not clear that this could affect breast cancer risk.

Alzheimer’s Disease & Aluminum Salts Myth

Alzheimer’s disease has also been mentioned in discussions about the safety of aluminum salts. Early research raised questions about aluminum’s role in the disease, but subsequent studies have not confirmed any link. Organizations like the Alzheimer’s Association have reported that there is no scientific proof connecting aluminum with the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Side Effects & Absorption Of Aluminum Salts

While aluminum salts are generally considered safe, some individuals may experience mild skin irritation or itching when they first apply antiperspirants containing these compounds. The rate of skin absorption of aluminum is extremely low, with studies indicating that only about 0.012% of applied aluminum is absorbed through the skin. This suggests that the risk of systemic health effects from aluminum salts in antiperspirants is minimal.

The Verdict On Aluminum Salts In Antiperspirants

Given the current body of research, aluminum salts are deemed safe for the general population. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of aluminum compounds in antiperspirants, and the European Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) has also assessed the safety of aluminum in skin care products. 

woman looking for aluminum salts in ingredients

For those with severe kidney disease, caution is advised, as their bodies may not be able to remove aluminum effectively.

Alternatives To Aluminum Salts

Despite the lack of conclusive evidence, some individuals may still prefer to avoid aluminum salts in their hygiene products. For these individuals, there are deodorants that focus on neutralizing odor without affecting sweat production. 

For those that wish to avoid the use of chemicals altogether, there are natural products as well that contain ingredients like baking soda, arrowroot powder, and low-concentration AHAs. Plus there are certain home remedies that influence how much we sweat, as well as how our sweat smells. These include avoiding certain foods, choosing body-friendly fabrics, and trying to relax more.

Related: How To Stop Sweating Naturally—Huge List Of Tips & Home Remedies

Switching to deodorants can offer several benefits. Firstly, deodorants do not block perspiration, allowing your sweat to flow freely without any blockages or interruption to your natural body function. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who prefer a product that stays on the skin’s surface and doesn’t interfere with the body’s natural processes.

Secondly, aluminum-free products may cause less irritation, particularly for individuals who find that aluminum irritates their skin. They also often contain natural ingredients, which can be a plus for those who prefer products free of artificial ingredients.

However, it’s worth noting that while deodorants can help to neutralize body odor, they do not prevent sweating. Unless underarm wetness is a significant concern, your natural cool-down process might suffice.

Despite the benefits, there are also downsides to using aluminum-free products. They may need to be applied more often, and they can sometimes be more expensive than their aluminum-containing counterparts. Additionally, some aluminum-free products still contain other ingredients that some individuals may wish to avoid, such as parabens and phthalates.


How can I tell if my antiperspirant contains aluminum salts?

Check the ingredients list on the product packaging. Aluminum salts may be listed as aluminum chlorohydrate, aluminum zirconium, or other similar compounds.

How do aluminum salts work differently from other ingredients?

Unlike ingredients in deodorants that mask odor, aluminum salts actively reduce sweat by temporarily blocking the pores that release it, which can also indirectly reduce odor since less sweat means less substrate for bacteria that cause body odor.

Do deodorants contain aluminum salts?

No, deodorants typically do not contain aluminum salts. They are designed to mask or neutralize body odor rather than prevent sweating.

What is the difference between aluminum chlorohydrate and aluminum chloride?

Both are types of aluminum salts used in antiperspirants, but they have different chemical structures and may vary in strength and application. Aluminum chlorohydrate is commonly used in over-the-counter products, while aluminum chloride is often found in prescription-strength antiperspirants for those with severe sweating.

How prevalent is aluminum in our environment?

Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and is used in a wide range of products—from food packaging to water treatment—making everyday exposure to aluminum common.

What does the World Health Organization say about aluminum exposure?

The World Health Organization has set guidelines for aluminum exposure, indicating levels that are considered safe for human health. These guidelines help inform the regulation of aluminum in consumer products, including deodorants.

Can aluminum salts cause skin irritation or allergies?

Some individuals may experience contact dermatitis or allergic reactions to aluminum salts or other ingredients in antiperspirants and deodorants. Symptoms can include redness, itching, and swelling.

What are crystal deodorants, and do they contain aluminum?

Crystal deodorants are a type of natural deodorant that often contains mineral salts like potassium alum. While these are aluminum compounds, they are different from the aluminum salts used in antiperspirants and work by creating a physical barrier that inhibits bacterial growth.

Is there a link between antiperspirant use and kidney disease?

The FDA requires a warning on antiperspirants that they should be used with caution by individuals with kidney disease. This is because compromised kidneys may not be able to filter out aluminum efficiently.

In Conclusion

The consensus among health experts and regulatory bodies is that aluminum salts in antiperspirants are safe for use. While it’s important to remain informed and vigilant about the ingredients in our personal care products, the evidence does not support the fears that aluminum salts cause breast cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. As with any product, if you experience adverse reactions, consult with a healthcare provider. 

Choosing to believe in facts over myths is essential for making informed decisions about your health and well-being. If you’re determined to prevent sweat from taking over your life, at SweatBlock we offer a diverse range of antiperspirants with aluminum salts, ensuring maximum efficiency in sweat control.

Our products are designed based on the consensus among health experts and regulatory bodies that aluminum salts in antiperspirants are safe for use. Don’t let misinformation sway your choices—embrace the facts and take control of your sweat.

Remember, if you ever experience adverse reactions, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider. Make the choice to prioritize your comfort and confidence. Visit SweatBlock today and experience the difference for yourself!

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